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TwineCompile not setting version numbers in 64 bit executables in RadStudio 11.2

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 6:22 pm
by jaridmo
We are passing the flags -FV"" and -PV"" to the command line jtmake.exe.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\JomiTech\TwineCompile\jtmake.exe" -B -p:TC_DisableProgress=True -ide110 -FV"" -PV"" -c"Release" -pl"Win64" "ProjectName.cbproj".

When we run this for 32bit with the -pl"Win32" this works and puts the version in the executable.
When we run this for 64bit with the -pl"Win64" this does not work and leaves the standard as the version in the executable.

I can put a version number in the Program options and compile it in RadStudio 11.2 and it puts the version into the executable in 64bit, so not sure where the breakdown is. Any ideas?

Re: TwineCompile not setting version numbers in 64 bit executables in RadStudio 11.2

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:51 am
by jomitech
Unfortunately, the version information update feature of jtmake only supports Win32 targets at this time. I'd recommend using a resource file (.rc) in your project that is updated with new version information when you change the build #. Using a generated header file is one of the easiest ways to achieve this.