TC stability issues

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TC stability issues

Post by oliwe »

TC is a great tool - if it works.
When compiling with TC, I regularly have problems.
I have integrated TC into Rad Studio 11 and use it out of the IDE.

Here some problems, if I'm compiling a lager project:
- the TC window is not updated regularly
- the "Cancel" button does not work reliably
- compilation freezes regularly
- linkage freezes regularly

If TC works, then it's great.
However, I can't use TC in my daily work because it doesn't work stable.

Is reliability being worked on?
Can I kill the TC process in the taskmanager to save a running IDE session?
Am I alone with these problems?

At the moment I only use TC to build a project completely - this works up to the linkage step, the linkage is freezing most of the time.
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Re: TC stability issues

Post by jomitech »

This is very unusual to hear. TwineCompile is generally extremely stable, more stable than the built-in IDE compiler, due to the process isolation.

When you say freeze, do you mean the IDE becomes unresponsive, or the compile process just never terminates?
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Re: TC stability issues

Post by oliwe »


IDE becomes unresponsive while compiling or while linking.
Cancel Button does not work.
If I restart the IDE TwineCompile is able to finish the job.
All in all, it saves me time.
But it's not ideal.

For my daily work I have disabled TC, using the build-in compilation procedure.
If I have to recompile the whole project, I enable TC - this works most of the time up to the linkage step, the linkage is freezing the IDE.

Do you need more information - it is possible to write an extended log file?

Thank you for replying

II just tried it again - build a larger project with TC.
Linkage failed again.
I pressed the Cancel Button - but it does not work.
IDE is now responsible, but not the TC window.
I can not start the build process again - have to restart the IDE.

Here are the last lines in TwineCompilerPlugin11.0.log:

2/3/2022 - 10:49:03:563 TTwineCompileCompileForm.WriteToConsole: path\yctMainForm.cpp(2314,64): C++ warning : unused parameter 'Sender'

2/3/2022 - 10:49:03:564 TTwineCompileCompileForm.WriteToConsole: path\yctMainForm.cpp(3939,25): C++ warning : zero as null pointer constant

2/3/2022 - 10:52:10:061 TTwineCompileCompileForm.WriteToConsole: Cancel sent...
2/3/2022 - 10:52:37:820 TModuleNotifier.BeforeSave: adding module path\yctDicomFile.cpp
2/3/2022 - 10:52:37:971 TModuleNotifier.AfterSave: triggering sorta path\yctDicomFile.cpp
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Re: TC stability issues

Post by jomitech »

What other extensions do you have installed in the IDE? Also, if you're not using TwineCompile for daily work, turn off SORTA compile.
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Re: TC stability issues

Post by oliwe »

Installed via GetIT:
RAD Studio 11 Patches

I am compiling for Win64.
Clang compiler.
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Re: TC stability issues

Post by jomitech »

Just to clarify, is the unresponsive issue directly related to cancelling the build? In other words, you only encounter this issue with you click the Cancel button?
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Re: TC stability issues

Post by oliwe »

No, I waited a long time to see if the linkage would be finished.
Since it didn't finish, I pressed the cancel button.
But this did also not work.
I think these are two separate problems.
Only solution I found is restarting the IDE.
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Re: TC stability issues

Post by jomitech »

Can you download this file, extract into the TwineCompile Program Files directory and see if it resolves your issue - ...
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Re: TC stability issues

Post by oliwe »

Sorry - just have seen your entry now.

I tried it.
The project, which previously could not be built with TwineCompile, has now been compiled AND linked out of the IDE using TC.
First in release mode, then also in debug mode. Both successful.
After that, I tried a release build with TC again, which failed.
After an IDE restart, I was able to rebuild the project with TC again.

-> Something is better :-) now. Not perfect yet, but better. Thank you very much!
-> What is the difference between the two versions of the dll? The size is exactly identical! Did you really find something that could cause the problems?

Thank you very much for your commitment.
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Re: TC stability issues

Post by jomitech »

There was a minor code fix for an internal IDE function that is not working as expected. So small change, big improvement :-)
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