Long time! I remember testing the original versions... one of the benchmarks in the webpage is still mine

I upgraded to RAD Studio 11.3 some days ago, and found that TwineCompile is included with it. I installed first the 5.4 version available from my.embarcadero.com, and managed to get it working with 11.3, but with several problems, although it finishes compiling. I tried with the 5.5 version available on GetIt and it crashes...
The problems I saw:
- The TC doesn't pass correctly the temporarly folder to the compiler. It ends up writing the files "somewhere", depending on how it is configured. I use a folder inside the project folder for this, and no matter what I tried, it always ended up putting the files somewhere else. The only solution I found was to use complete path (i.e., c:\myfolder\anotherone\project\temp_folder) which is not good. In my project settings I have, using this same example, just ".\temp_folder". I tried without the .\ but it's the same. I also tried using the $(OUTPUTPATH) and that variables but it doesn't recognize them.
- This same issue happens with the PCH file: I had to change the name for each of my projects to be unique, otherwise I would get an error that it was not possible to write the PCH file, I guess because a file with that name was being locked by another compile thread, from another project.
- Setting the parallel project compilation ends up without being able to link, saying that it doens't find some OBJs. My guess is that it's related to the previous point. I had to disable it to be able to move forward, and that's a shame, as my apps are 15+ projects in the same project group, so doing it like this do save a lot of time, for what I was able to see.
I haven't returned to TC 5.4 and 5.5 as previously said crashes, at least the times I have tried it. Don't know if that's a known bug, or if it's something new. Let me know if you need something to try and find this issue.