11.3 and TwineCompile

TwineCompile - Cut C++Builder compile times by up to 50x!
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11.3 and TwineCompile

Post by rgomez »


Long time! I remember testing the original versions... one of the benchmarks in the webpage is still mine :lol:

I upgraded to RAD Studio 11.3 some days ago, and found that TwineCompile is included with it. I installed first the 5.4 version available from my.embarcadero.com, and managed to get it working with 11.3, but with several problems, although it finishes compiling. I tried with the 5.5 version available on GetIt and it crashes...

The problems I saw:
- The TC doesn't pass correctly the temporarly folder to the compiler. It ends up writing the files "somewhere", depending on how it is configured. I use a folder inside the project folder for this, and no matter what I tried, it always ended up putting the files somewhere else. The only solution I found was to use complete path (i.e., c:\myfolder\anotherone\project\temp_folder) which is not good. In my project settings I have, using this same example, just ".\temp_folder". I tried without the .\ but it's the same. I also tried using the $(OUTPUTPATH) and that variables but it doesn't recognize them.
- This same issue happens with the PCH file: I had to change the name for each of my projects to be unique, otherwise I would get an error that it was not possible to write the PCH file, I guess because a file with that name was being locked by another compile thread, from another project.
- Setting the parallel project compilation ends up without being able to link, saying that it doens't find some OBJs. My guess is that it's related to the previous point. I had to disable it to be able to move forward, and that's a shame, as my apps are 15+ projects in the same project group, so doing it like this do save a lot of time, for what I was able to see.

I haven't returned to TC 5.4 and 5.5 as previously said crashes, at least the times I have tried it. Don't know if that's a known bug, or if it's something new. Let me know if you need something to try and find this issue.

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Re: 11.3 and TwineCompile

Post by jomitech »

Sorry for the issues that you experienced. Please re-download and reinstall TwineCompile from GetIt. There were some issues with the initial release of TC 5.5 for 11.3, but these have been corrected with the updated 5.5.1 release
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Re: 11.3 and TwineCompile

Post by rgomez »


Thanks for the heads up.

I have another issue, that I had actually when installing version 5.5: trying to install from the GetIt inside the IDE is practically impossible. The installer asks you to close the IDE, which you can't as the GetIt was opened modal. If you say to not close the IDE, then it can't overwrite some of the files.

To be able to install 5.5 I had to track down where the GetIt downloaded the installer and run it outside, with the IDE closed.

Maybe I am doing something wrong? Is there a way to run the GetIt Package Manager outside the IDE?
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Re: 11.3 and TwineCompile

Post by rgomez »

Ok. I was able to finish compiling my big project with the 5.5.1 version of TwineCompile.

I had to disable to parallel project compilation, as it still complains about problems with the PCH file creation.

Doing it project by project apparently puts now the temporary files where it should, along with the PCH file. I'm not sure why when doing a parallel project build it doesn't. I'm doing another pass on the project, and then will re-enable the parallel project to document the errors or warnings I get here.
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Re: 11.3 and TwineCompile

Post by rgomez »

OK, so, finishing a parallel build gave the following problems:

- Apparently it was not possible to write the PCH for every project, even when the names are unique, and are inside the temporary folder on the project's folder.
- It finished anyway compiling the files, but when trying to link the first project, it says:
C:\Program Files (x86)\JomiTech\TwineCompile\TCTargets110.Targets(764,5): error : Fatal: Unable to open file 'TSUTILVARIOSC28.OBJ'

Looking for that file, or any other obj from the project group, doesn't find anything. I don't know where TC put the OBJ and why it didn't copy/move them to the configured intermediate/temporary path on each project. This happened also with 5.4, I'm guessing it's an issue that has been happening for a while?

I can disable the parallel project compilation and work, but it would be so much better if that option worked.

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Re: 11.3 and TwineCompile

Post by jomitech »

Are you using the CLANG compiler for your projects or the classic compiler?
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Re: 11.3 and TwineCompile

Post by rgomez »

Sorry, forgot to specify that.

It's the classic compiler.

I haven't tried TC with the Clang compiler yet.
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Re: 11.3 and TwineCompile

Post by jomitech »

I realize it's been a long time, but I have a fix for the issue with using the parallel project builds and the classic compiler where the projects are in different folders. You can download the following file and extract into the TwineCompile Program Files directory to resolve the issue:

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