TC Test

TwineCompile - Cut C++Builder compile times by up to 50x!
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TC Test

Post by Rømer »

I'm trying to use TC at my 10.3.3 projects.

It seams that the project is compiling but before linking there is an error from "TCCompile". Is there a log file beside the @@@ file.?

Build started 13-04-2022 15:07:46.
Project "D:\Source\Repos\IDEAS\programs\IdeasCli\src\online\IdeasDb.cbproj" (Build target(s)):

Target MakeObjs:
Target TCInitFileList:
Deleting file "D:\Source\Repos\IDEAS\programs\IdeasCli\src\online\twfiles.@@@".
Compiling C++ files...
Target TCCompile:
C:\Program Files (x86)\JomiTech\TwineCompile\mtbcc32.exe -ide103 -pch="ideasdb_pch.h" -jb- -priority0 -files="D:\Source\Repos\IDEAS\programs\IdeasCli\src\online\twfiles.@@@"
JomiTech TwineCompile 5.4 - Copyright JomiTech 2021. All Rights Reserved.
-- 30-Day Trial Version --

Compiling 35 files...
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2018 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
AlocStackTrace.cpp: (1) 0 lines
AlocStackTrace.cpp: (1) 1237504 lines
AlocStackTrace.cpp: (1) 1426439 lines
businessmapper.cpp: (0) 0 lines
indexmgr.cpp: (2) 0 lines
apionlinehandler.cpp: (3) 0 lines
indexdesc.cpp: (1) 0 lines
indexdesc.cpp: (1) 953647 lines
apionlinehandler.cpp: (3) 980480 lines
businessmapper.cpp: (0) 956160 lines
indexmgr.cpp: (2) 957223 lines
indexdesc.cpp: (1) 1430092 lines
OnLine.cpp: (1) 0 lines
indexmgr.cpp: (2) 1433592 lines
onlinefield.cpp: (2) 0 lines
apionlinehandler.cpp: (3) 1443763 lines
session.cpp: (3) 0 lines
businessmapper.cpp: (0) 1448329 lines
V7online.cpp: (0) 0 lines
OnLine.cpp: (1) 747520 lines
onlinefield.cpp: (2) 746240 lines
session.cpp: (3) 739328 lines
V7online.cpp: (0) 593664 lines
OnLine.cpp: (1) 1433691 lines
clientonlinehandler.cpp: (1) 0 lines
onlinefield.cpp: (2) 1436463 lines
configmgr.cpp: (2) 0 lines
clientonlinehandler.cpp: (1) 533504 lines
V7online.cpp: (0) 1473024 lines
configmgr.cpp: (2) 587389 lines
session.cpp: (3) 1443317 lines
ForceChangePasswordDlg.cpp: (3) 0 lines
V7online.cpp: (0) 1475469 lines
PasswordDlg.cpp: (0) 0 lines
clientonlinehandler.cpp: (1) 1448520 lines
exchangecalendar.cpp: (1) 0 lines
ForceChangePasswordDlg.cpp: (3) 1193984 lines
configmgr.cpp: (2) 1479168 lines
PasswordDlg.cpp: (0) 754432 lines
configmgr.cpp: (2) 1488612 lines
expression.cpp: (2) 0 lines
ForceChangePasswordDlg.cpp: (3) 1441951 lines
ideasbind.cpp: (3) 0 lines
PasswordDlg.cpp: (0) 1446177 lines
LuaDbSession.cpp: (0) 0 lines
exchangecalendar.cpp: (1) 1213696 lines
ideasbind.cpp: (3) 753408 lines
LuaDbSession.cpp: (0) 558452 lines
expression.cpp: (2) 756736 lines
exchangecalendar.cpp: (1) 1455401 lines
parser.cpp: (1) 0 lines
ideasbind.cpp: (3) 1430695 lines
FastIni.cpp: (3) 0 lines
expression.cpp: (2) 1430719 lines
IDEASCliExceptions.cpp: (2) 0 lines
parser.cpp: (1) 703735 lines
LuaDbSession.cpp: (0) 1441439 lines
IDEASComponentList.cpp: (0) 0 lines
IDEASCliExceptions.cpp: (2) 645456 lines
FastIni.cpp: (3) 703232 lines
IDEASCliExceptions.cpp: (2) 1423243 lines
IdeasDb.cpp: (2) 0 lines
parser.cpp: (1) 1466352 lines
logger.cpp: (1) 0 lines
FastIni.cpp: (3) 1427538 lines
lookup.cpp: (3) 0 lines
IdeasDb.cpp: (2) 593152 lines
IDEASComponentList.cpp: (0) 1407744 lines
lookup.cpp: (3) 562944 lines
IDEASComponentList.cpp: (0) 1438885 lines
msgq.cpp: (0) 0 lines
IdeasDb.cpp: (2) 1423161 lines
OnlineDataSet.cpp: (2) 0 lines
logger.cpp: (1) 1422080 lines
OnlineDataSet.cpp: (2) 277248 lines
msgq.cpp: (0) 930263 lines
lookup.cpp: (3) 1483520 lines
onlineticker.cpp: (3) 0 lines
logger.cpp: (1) 1489321 lines
onlineupdatehandler.cpp: (1) 0 lines
msgq.cpp: (0) 1423386 lines
performancelogger.cpp: (0) 0 lines
onlineupdatehandler.cpp: (1) 753408 lines
OnlineDataSet.cpp: (2) 1428457 lines
performancelogger.cpp: (0) 746496 lines
onlineticker.cpp: (3) 957696 lines
OnlineDataSet.cpp: (2) 1456537 lines
V7onlineupdateableif.cpp: (2) 0 lines
performancelogger.cpp: (0) 1437069 lines
replytranslistener.cpp: (0) 0 lines
onlineticker.cpp: (3) 1488189 lines
SrvConn.cpp: (3) 0 lines
onlineupdatehandler.cpp: (1) 1542098 lines
strlike.cpp: (1) 0 lines
V7onlineupdateableif.cpp: (2) 835328 lines
replytranslistener.cpp: (0) 594688 lines
SrvConn.cpp: (3) 554752 lines
V7onlineupdateableif.cpp: (2) 1438611 lines
StrUtil.cpp: (2) 0 lines
strlike.cpp: (1) 1420032 lines
TableDataLookupFilter.cpp: (1) 0 lines
StrUtil.cpp: (2) 614400 lines
replytranslistener.cpp: (0) 1531171 lines
SrvConn.cpp: (3) 1454562 lines
replytranslistener.cpp: (0) 1542515 lines
StrUtil.cpp: (2) 1427588 lines
TableDataLookupFilter.cpp: (1) 1324877 lines
SrvConn.cpp: (3) 1584827 lines
TableDataLookupFilter.cpp: (1) 1425996 lines
Compiled 35 files in 13,46 secs.
Errors during compile.
C:\Program Files (x86)\JomiTech\TwineCompile\TCTargets103.targets(688,5): error MSB6006: "mtbcc32" exited with code 1.
Done building target "TCCompile" in project "IdeasDb.cbproj" -- FAILED.
Done building target "MakeObjs" in project "IdeasDb.cbproj" -- FAILED.

Done building project "IdeasDb.cbproj" -- FAILED.


C:\Program Files (x86)\JomiTech\TwineCompile\TCTargets103.targets(688,5): error MSB6006: "mtbcc32" exited with code 1.
0 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:13.86
Finished Build.

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Joined: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:23 am

Re: TC Test

Post by jomitech »

This is a weird error to get - looks like the compiler is crashing for some reason. You'll need to enable detailed logging so that we can find out what the issue is.

To enable the logs, create a DWORD registry value called Logging, set to 1, in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JomiTech\TwineCompiler key.

The logs will be written to C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\TwineCompile. Please zip up and send these logs to
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2022 1:26 am

Re: TC Test

Post by Rømer »

Hi Jon
I have send the files to support. I hope to hear from you soon.
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Posts: 2171
Joined: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:23 am

Re: TC Test

Post by jomitech »

Thanks for the logs. Can you uninstall TwineCompile completely, reinstall it, then do a Clean on your project and try again?
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2022 1:26 am

Re: TC Test

Post by Rømer »

Hi, I did what you wanted a little week ago. I just want to hear if there is anything else you need. You should have gotten the new set of log files.
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Posts: 2171
Joined: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:23 am

Re: TC Test

Post by jomitech »

Yes, thank you for the files. I did receive them and am analyzing them to see what the issue could be.

I have one suggestion - can you purchase the full version and see if that has the same issue? (Want to rule out that it's something to do with the trial version). We offer a 30-day, no questions asked, refund, so if you have issues and want to return it, we'll issue a full refund.
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