Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

TwineCompile - Cut C++Builder compile times by up to 50x!
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Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by PA64 »


After the update to Rio 10.3.2 I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane". Warnings are available. A reinstall of TwineCompile has no effect. Rio 10.3.1 does not show this problem.

Did I possibly make a mistake? Or do I need an update from TwineCompile

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by jomitech »

Are you opening the TwineCompile Message window? TwineCompile does not use the IDE's message window.
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Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by PA64 »

I opened "TC Compile Messages" window. (Menu: TwineCompile -> "Open Normal Message Pane" )

All messages are in the "Console Output" window.
In the "TC Compile Messages" window are only "Warnings".
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Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by PA64 »

More info:
Errors from the C++ linker are displayed in the "TC Compile Messages" window.
Errors from the C++ compiler are not displayed in the "TC Compile Messages" window.
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Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by jomitech »

Can you provide a screenshot that shows the errors in the console output, but just warnings in the message window?
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Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by PA64 »

Outputs from TwineCompile

Console Output:

Der Buildvorgang wurde am 25.07.2019 21:14:01 gestartet.
Projekt C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cbproj (Build-Ziel(e)):

Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ilc wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ild wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ilf wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ils wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.pdi wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\twfiles.@@@ wird gelöscht.
Compiling C++ files...
C:\Program Files (x86)\JomiTech\TwineCompile\mtbcc32.exe -ide103 -afiles -usepch- -alias"C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp"="C:\Users\P.Adrian\AppData\Local\Temp\TwineCompile\MK12_INIDB.cpp*1324984758"; -priority0 -files="C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\twfiles.@@@"
JomiTech TwineCompile 5.0 - Copyright JomiTech 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Compiling 5 files...
Starting executors...
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 0 of 0
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 657152 of 657152
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 587520 of 587520
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 799502 of 799502
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 656384 of 656384
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 535552 of 535552
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 1396293 of 1396293
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 1398458 of 1398458
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 1398458 of 1398458
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 1396461 of 1396461
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 1395611 of 1395611
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 1425671 of 1425671
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2451: Undefiniertes Symbol 'xxxx'
Warning: Vollständiger Parser-Kontext
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2379: In Anweisung fehlt ;
Warning: Vollständiger Parser-Kontext
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 1425997 of 1425997
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 1433682 of 1433682
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 1431757 of 1431757
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 1432325 of 1432325

Compiled 5 files in 3,25 secs.
Errors during compile.
Erstellen des TCCompile-Ziels in Projekt MK12_INIDB.cbproj beendet - Fehler beim Erstellen.
Erstellen des MakeObjs-Ziels in Projekt MK12_INIDB.cbproj beendet - Fehler beim Erstellen.

Erstellen des Projekts MK12_INIDB.cbproj beendet - Fehler beim Erstellen.

Fehler beim Erstellen.

C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2451: Undefiniertes Symbol 'xxxx'
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2379: In Anweisung fehlt ;
2 Warnung(en)
2 Fehler

Vergangene Zeit 00:00:04.18
Finished Build.

"TC Compile Messages" window

[C++ Warning] MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
[C++ Warning] MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
No Error Messages.png
(104.12 KiB) Not downloaded yet
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Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by jomitech »

Sorry for the delay in responding. Embarcadero has not been returning my emails regarding updated licenses for 10.3.2, so I have been unable to test this issue.
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Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by virusman »

Looks like the list controls don't work properly:
(24.02 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Same thing happens with the compile window: it is just white space where there used to be a list with files currently being compiled.
Update: After a while, the list in the messages window displays something, but it doesn't show errors for some reason.
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Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by jomitech »

Please download the following update and extract into the TwineCompile Program Files directory. It should solve these issues.
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:54 am

Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"

Post by PA64 »

Unfortunately the patch does not fix the bug.
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